History of computing and computers, programming, block diagram of computer, generation of computer, types of computer, software, Programming Languages, Traditional and structured programming concept
2 Programming logicProblems solving(understanding of problems, feasibility and requirement analysis) Design (flow Chart & Algorithm), program coding (execution, translator), testing and debugging, Implementation, evaluation and Maintenance of programs, documentation
3 Variables and data typesConstants and variables, Variable declaration, Variable Types, Simple input/output function, Operators
4 Control StructuresIntroduction, types of control statements- sequential, branching- if, else, else-if and switch statements, case, break and continue statements; looping- for loop, while loop, do—while loop, nested loop, goto statement
5 Arrays and StringsIntroduction to arrays, initialization of arrays, multidimensional arrays, String, function related to the strings
6 FunctionsIntroduction, returning a value from a function, sending a value to a function, Arguments, parsing arrays and structure, External variables, storage classes, pre-processor directives, C libraries, macros, header files and prototyping
7 PointersDefinition pointers for arrays, returning multiple values form functions using pointers. Pointer arithmetic, pointer for strings, double indirection, pointer to arrays, Memory allocation-malloc and calloc
8 Structure and UnionsDefinition of Structure, Nested type Structure, Arrays of Structure, Structure and Pointers, Unions, self-referential structure
9 Files and File HandlingOperating a file in different modes (Real, Write, Append), Creating a file in different modes (Read, Write, Append)