1. Overview of Computer Software & Programming Languages
  1. System Software
  2. Application Software
  3. General Software Features and Recent Trends
  4. Generation of Programming Languages
  5. Categorization of High Level Languages
2. Problem Solving Using Computer
  1. Problem Analysis
  2. Algorithm Development and Flowchart
  3. Compilation and Execution
  4. Debugging and Testing
  5. Programming Documentation
3. Introduction to 'C' Programming
  1. Character Set, Keywords, and Data Types
  2. Preprocessor Directives
  3. Constants and Variables
  4. Operators and Statements
4. Input and Ouput
  1. Formatted Input/Output
  2. Character Input/Output
  3. Programs using Input/Output Statements
5. Control Statement
  1. Introduction
  2. The goto, if, if...else, switch Statements
  3. The while, do...while, for Statement
6. User-Defined Functions
  1. Introduction
  2. Function Definition and Return Statement
  3. Function Prototypes
  4. Function Invocation, Call by Value and Call By Reference, Recursive Functions
7. Arrays and Strings
  1. Defining an Array
  2. One-dimensional Arrays
  3. Multi-dimentional Arrays
  4. Strings and String Manipulation
  5. Passing Array and String to Function
8. Structures
  1. Introduction
  2. Processing a Structures
  3. Arrays of Structures
  4. Arrays Within Structures
  5. Structures and Function
9. Pointers
  1. Introduction
  2. Pointer Declaration
  3. Pointer Arithemetic
  4. Pointer and Array
  5. Passing Pointers to a Function
  6. Pointers and Structures
10. Data Files
  1. Defining Opening and Closing a File
  2. Input/Output Operations on Files
  3. Error Handling During Input/Output Operations
11. Programming Language:FORTRAN
  1. Character Set
  2. Data Types, Constants and Variables
  3. Arithemetic Operations, Library Functions
  4. Structure of a FORTRAN Program
  5. Formatted and Unformatted Input/Output Statements
  6. Control Structures: Goto, Logical IF, Arithematic IF, Do Loops
  7. Arrayhs: One Dimensional and Two Dimensional
1. Introduction [1 Hour]
  • 1.1. History of C
  • 1.2. Introduction to C
  • 1.3. Important of Program (C Program)
  • 1.4. Desired Program Characteristics
2. C Fundamentals [3 Hours]
  • 2.1. The C Character set
  • 2.2. Identifier and Keywords
  • 2.3. Data Type, Variables, Declaration
  • 2.4. Constants (Sting, Numeric, Character Constant)
  • 2.5. Symbolic Constant
3. C Operators [4 Hours]
  • 3.1 Arithmetic Operators
  • 3.2 Assignment Operators
  • 3.3 Logical and Comparison Operations
  • 3.4 Bitwise Operators 3.5 Unary Operator
  • 3.6 Conditional Operators
4. Writing a Program in C (Data Input and Output) [4 Hours]
  • 4.1 Simple Program
  • 4.2 Input Statement
  • 4.3 Output Statement
  • 4.4 Features of stdio.h
5. Control Structure [8 Hours]
5.1 Condition Statements
  • a. if Statement
  • b. if-else Statement
  • c. switch statement
5.2 Loop Statements
  • a. for loop
  • b. while loop
  • c. do-while loop
5.3 Break Control Statements
  • a. break
  • b. continue
  • c. go-to statement
6. Function [5 Hours]
  • 6.1 Defining Function
  • 6.2 Use of function
  • 6.3 Function Prototypes
  • 6.4 Passing Argument to a Function
  • 6.5 Recursive function
7. The Scope of Variable [2 Hours]
  • 7.1 Storage Class
  • 7.2 Automatic Variable
  • 7.3 Static Variable
  • 7.4 External Variable
8. Array [6 Hours]
  • 8.1 Defining an Array
  • 8.2 Processing an Array
  • 8.3 Passing Array to Function
  • 8.4 Multidimensional Array
9. Pointer [6 Hours]
  • 9.1 Pointer Declaration
  • 9.2 Pointer Arithmetic
  • 9.3 Operation on Pointers
  • 9.4 Pointer and Array (Pointer and one dimension Array)
  • 9.5 Dynamic Memory Allocation
10. Program Structure [4 Hours]
  • 10.1 Declaration of Structure
  • 10.2 Initialization of Structure
  • 10.3 Array of Structure
  • 10.3 Pointer to Structure
1. Problem Solving Using Computer (2hr)
  1. Problem Analysis
  2. Algorithm Development & Flowcharting
  3. Coding
  4. Compilation & Execution
  5. Debugging & Testing
  6. Program Documentation
2. Introduction to C (2hr)
  1. Historical Development of C
  2. Importance of C
  3. Basic Structure of C Program
  4. Executing a C Program
3. C Fundamentals (3hr)
  1. Character Set
  2. Identifiers & Keywords
  3. Data Types
  4. Constants, Variables
  5. Declarations
  6. Escape Sequence
  7. Preprocessors Directives
  8. Typedef statement
  9. Symbolic Constants
4. Operators & Expression
  1. Operators
  2. Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Assignment, Unary, Conditional, Bit wise operator
  3. Precedence & Associativity
5. Input and Output
  1. Type of I/O
  2. Reading & Writing data
  3. Formatted I/O
6. Control Statements
  1. Loops: For, While, Do-While
  2. Decision: if, if else, Nested if...else
  3. Statements: switch, break, continue, goto
  4. exit() function
7. Functions
  1. Advantages of using Function
  2. User Define & Library Function
  3. Function Prototypes, definition & return statement
  4. Call by Value & Call by Reference
  5. Concept of Local, Global & Static Variables
  6. Recursive Function
8. Arrays and Strings
  1. Introduction
  2. Single and Multi-dimentional arrays
  3. Processing an array
  4. Passing arrays to Functions
  5. Arrays of Strings
  6. String Handling Function
9. Pointers
  1. Fundamentals
  2. Pointer Declarations
  3. Passing Pointers to Function
  4. Relationship between Arrays and Pointers
  5. Dynamic Memory Allocation
10. Structures and Unions
  1. Defining a Structure, Arrays of Structures, Structures within Structures
  2. Processing a Structure
  3. Structures & Pointers
  4. Passing Structures to Functions
  5. Union & its Importance
11. Data Files
  1. Opening & Closing a Data File
  2. Creating a Data File
  3. Processing a Data File
12. Graphics
  1. Initialization
  2. Graphical mode
  3. Simple program using built in graphical function

History of computing and computers, programming, block diagram of computer, generation of computer, types of computer, software, Programming Languages, Traditional and structured programming concept

2 Programming logic

Problems solving(understanding of problems, feasibility and requirement analysis) Design (flow Chart & Algorithm), program coding (execution, translator), testing and debugging, Implementation, evaluation and Maintenance of programs, documentation

3 Variables and data types

Constants and variables, Variable declaration, Variable Types, Simple input/output function, Operators

4 Control Structures

Introduction, types of control statements- sequential, branching- if, else, else-if and switch statements, case, break and continue statements; looping- for loop, while loop, do—while loop, nested loop, goto statement

5 Arrays and Strings

Introduction to arrays, initialization of arrays, multidimensional arrays, String, function related to the strings

6 Functions

Introduction, returning a value from a function, sending a value to a function, Arguments, parsing arrays and structure, External variables, storage classes, pre-processor directives, C libraries, macros, header files and prototyping

7 Pointers

Definition pointers for arrays, returning multiple values form functions using pointers. Pointer arithmetic, pointer for strings, double indirection, pointer to arrays, Memory allocation-malloc and calloc

8 Structure and Unions

Definition of Structure, Nested type Structure, Arrays of Structure, Structure and Pointers, Unions, self-referential structure

9 Files and File Handling

Operating a file in different modes (Real, Write, Append), Creating a file in different modes (Read, Write, Append)