Operators & Expression
  • Operators and its types
    • Arithmetic Operators
      • Unary
      • Binary
      • Ternary
    • Comparison and Logical Operators
    • Assignment Operators
    • Bitwise Operators
    • Others
  • Operators precedence and associativity
Assignment Set
  1. List all the operators with their type, precedence & associativity.
  2. What is modulus operator? What are the restrictions of a modulus operator?
Board Exam Theory Questions
  1. Describe the meaning of precedence and associatively of operators with example. How much memory is required for long integer and its range? [2+4] [Board]
  2. What is operator? Describe the conditional operator in C with syntax and example. [2+3][2073]
  3. What are the differences between global and local function, variables and data types, & (Ampersand) operator and * operators used in c-programming language? Explain with example. [4+4]
  4. What do you mean by precedence and associativity of an operator? Explain with suitable example. [3] [2072]
  5. What is an operator, data type, constant and variable? Define. [6] [2072]
  6. What are relational operators and assignment operators? Explain with examples. [3] [2070]
  7. What are unary operators in C? Why are they named so? [2] [2068]
  8. Explain the operators available in C along with their precedence and associativity. [4] [2067]
  9. Explain with an example the role that precedence and associativity play in the execution of an expression. [4] [2074]


Operators are the symbol that tells the computer to perform certain mathematical and logical operation. And the data item or value on which operator perform the certain operation is called operand.


  1. Arithmetic operator
  2. Relational operator
  3. Logical operator
  4. Assignment operator
  5. Conditional operator
  6. Bitwise operator

1. Arithmatic operator

The arithmetic operator perform arithmatic operation. It can be classified into Unary & Binary operator.

a) Unary operator
The operator which required single operand for operation is known as unary operator. Example:
Unary Operator Purpose
a++ (increment operator) final value a+1
a-- (decrement operator) final value a-1
-p (Unary minus) positive p change to -ve i.e. -p

b) Binary operator
The operator which required two operand for operation is known as binary operator. Example:
Binary operator Purpose
+ Addition (a+b)
- Subtraction (a-b)
* Multiplication (a*b)
/ Division (a/b)
% Modulus (a%b)

2. Relational Operator

The relational operators are the symbols which is used to compared two or more subject matter. Example:
Relational operator Purpose
<< /td> (smaller than) a < 5
> (greater than) a > 5
<=< /td> (smaller than equal to) a <= 5
>= (greater than equal to) a >= 5
== (equal to) marks == 32
!= (not equal to) mark != 32

3. Logical Operator

The logical operator are used to combine two or more than two expression of relational operator. Example:
Logical operator Purpose
&& (and) if(age>50 && salary>5000)
|| (or) if(age<50 || age>20)
! (not) mark != 32

4. Assignment Operator

Assignment operator are used to assigne a value of right hand variable to left hand variable.
A = l x b
sum = a + b

Difference between:
Assignment operator (=) Equality operator (==)
Assignment operators is used to assign a value to a variable. Equality operator is used to determine if two expression have the same value or not.

5. Conditional Operator (Ternary Operator)

The conditional operator consists of two symbols and three expression. The symbols are (?) and colon (:). The conditional expression is written as

Expression1 ? Expression2 : Expression3

Here, Expression1 is evaluated first. If it is true, then Expression2 is evaluated else Expression3 is evaluated. This is also called short cut version of if else statement. Example:

a>b ? a-b : a+b

Here, if a is greater than b then Expression2 is evaluated else Expression3 is evaluated.

6. Bitwise Operator

A bitwise operator operates on each bit of data. Usually bitwise operators are not useful in cases of float and double variable.
Operators Symbol Working function Example
Bitwise AND & If both ON then ON else OFF 100 & 101 = 100
Bitwise OR | If any one ON then ON else OFF 100 | 101 = 101
Bitwise XOR (Exclusive OR) ^ If both ON or OFF then OFF else ON 100 ^ 101 = 001
Left shift <<< /td> Indicates the bits are to be shifted to the left 1111<<2=> 1100
Right shift >> Indicates the bits are to be shifted to the right. 1111>>2 => 0011

Precedence & Associativity

In a statement consisting of multiple operators, the criteria or rules that determine which operator should be operated or carried out first is called precedence of an operator.
Consider the following two statement
int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d;
d = a + b * c;
Here, b is multiplied by c first. The result is added to a and the sum is assigned to d. Since multiplication is done before addition the multiplication operator has a highest precedence than the addition one.

If an expression contain two or more than two operator which have same precedence then priority is evaluated either from left to right or from right to left. This is known as as associativity.
For example in the expression
d = a - b - c ;

The first (left-most) minus is evaluated first. The variable is subtracted from a. Then the second minus is evaluated, causing c to be subtracted from the result.